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8197 2018-11-14T21:13:19 18
设计师: 何隆基









This apartment is built for the designer himself, his partner, and his pet. The intention is to create a warm, spacious and cozy living atmosphere under a budget, not only satisfying users daily habits and needs but also presenting playfulness in the details. The design is intended to satisfy the user’s aesthetic and create a comfortable living space. I believe that good design does not merely rely on the size of space nor the cost of materials used. The design philosophy emphasizes environmental sustainability and the use of inexpensive materials to their fullest potential.


The color grey, as a cool, neutral and balanced color, is not as pure as white nor as powerful as black. Grey brings a dash of loneliness and peace into the space. The grey color often changes between black and white, yin and yang, like human hearts which are capricious and unpredictable. In this case, grey is not a general grey color, but specifically means the mixture of black and white, the combination of cool-tone and warm-tone. Finally, the refined combination of colors presents a visually peaceful, timeless, and balanced space.


Wooden and metal material was used for most of the finishing as these two materials are be able to create a contrasting yet balanced feeling. To minimize the impact on the environment, a white epoxy resin floor paint was applied during construction.

Living Room

客餐厅 Living Room

Living Room

客餐厅 Living Room

The hallway is made up of white surfaces and intersecting black straight lines. The Zen design reminds the users to purify their distracting thoughts and troubles before getting into the rooms.

全白的房间走道,描以极简的黑色线条强行插入,在进入房间的过程中似乎提醒着使用者在休息前先净化所有的杂念与烦恼。 The hallway is made up of white surfaces and intersecting black straight lines. The Zen design reminds the users to purify their distracting thoughts and troubles before getting into the rooms.

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  • 何隆基
  • 广东-珠海
  • 需要优质装修设计服务吗? 委托设计



