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8212 2018-11-14T21:13:19 18
设计师: 何隆基









This apartment is built for the designer himself, his partner, and his pet. The intention is to create a warm, spacious and cozy living atmosphere under a budget, not only satisfying users daily habits and needs but also presenting playfulness in the details. The design is intended to satisfy the user’s aesthetic and create a comfortable living space. I believe that good design does not merely rely on the size of space nor the cost of materials used. The design philosophy emphasizes environmental sustainability and the use of inexpensive materials to their fullest potential.


The color grey, as a cool, neutral and balanced color, is not as pure as white nor as powerful as black. Grey brings a dash of loneliness and peace into the space. The grey color often changes between black and white, yin and yang, like human hearts which are capricious and unpredictable. In this case, grey is not a general grey color, but specifically means the mixture of black and white, the combination of cool-tone and warm-tone. Finally, the refined combination of colors presents a visually peaceful, timeless, and balanced space.


Wooden and metal material was used for most of the finishing as these two materials are be able to create a contrasting yet balanced feeling. To minimize the impact on the environment, a white epoxy resin floor paint was applied during construction.

It was decided that black and white would be used as the main composition in color, and wood and metal in material. The contrast in color and material creates a clash and a great balance, akin to the grey color. The space is also highlighted with a dash of low saturation blue and high saturation orange, which brings feelings of warmth and elegance into the living area. The composition of the chosen materials (metals, wooden floor and floor paint) creates circulation in the floorplan.

客厅使用平淡的白与严肃的黑两种极端色的碰撞,属性柔软的木与硬朗的金属两种强烈对比的材质结合,碰撞出一种处在中间平衡的状态——灰。低饱和度的蓝,和高饱和度的橙作为空间中的点缀色,营造出一个静谧中透露出少许温情的客厅,别裁伪体亲风雅。通过运通金属,木地板、地坪漆等材质的组合在地面铺装引导人的动线。 It was decided that black and white would be used as the main composition in color, and wood and metal in material. The contrast in color and material creates a clash and a great balance, akin to the grey color. The space is also highlighted with a dash of low saturation blue and high saturation orange, which brings feelings of warmth and elegance into the living area. The composition of the chosen materials (metals, wooden floor and floor paint) creates circulation in the floorplan.

The living room is situated behind a graffiti sliding door. The graffiti door has 3.5 meters moving range and moving it to different position creates a variety of visual presentation in the living room.

三米五长推拉范围的涂鸦门,通过移动到不同位置产生不同的构图实属一种情趣。 The living room is situated behind a graffiti sliding door. The graffiti door has 3.5 meters moving range and moving it to different position creates a variety of visual presentation in the living room.

The long vertical glass door which connects the kitchen and the balcony divides the wall into 4 sections. Moving the door into various positions can create several different combinations with the drawing decorations.

通往厨房及阳台的通长玻璃门将墙面平均分成四份,通过推到不同位置与墙面的的装饰画形成了各种有趣的组合方式。 The long vertical glass door which connects the kitchen and the balcony divides the wall into 4 sections. Moving the door into various positions can create several different combinations with the drawing decorations.

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