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69327 2018-07-04T10:21:43 12 [推荐]
设计机构: 珠海市唐企盛泰企业管理有限公司


  • COMMUNE,意为亲密交谈,这一概念我们从2014年开始构思。都市人生活在嘈杂的水泥森林中,希望在工作之余,能够找到一个卸下包袱,放松自我的第三空间。COMMUNE希望打破常规的经营模式,定位做一家区别于传统酒吧和清吧的餐吧,没有太多华丽的装饰,不需要舞台,提供高性价比的餐酒,让人感到轻松舒适,同时又带来超强体验感。而上世纪70年代的美式工业风,非常符合需求。最终,2016年,国内第一家COMMUNE诞生于武汉。
  • 在设计初期,COMMUNE首先考虑到需要一个足够开敞的空间氛围,于是我们费尽心思去物色一些废旧的工厂仓库,在原有的空间基础上,尊重建筑自身特点,经过再设计,重新赋予它新的生命。
  • 对于主体建筑,COMMUNE修旧如旧,保留其屋顶及砖墙质地,还原建筑空间原本的样子。
  • 地面用水泥铺垫,屋顶的架构应用的是黑钢的材质,桌椅、吧台和酒水自助选购区都选用木质,通过黑钢与木头的质感对比,散发出美式工业风的硬朗。让人仿佛看到19世纪美式餐吧的影子。
  • 屋顶上空悬吊铁质吊扇与吊灯,还有采用一些金属集合物,焊接点、铆钉等公然暴露在外的结构组件,让空间的工业感更加突出。
  • 同时重新油刷红砖墙,柔和灯光与复古红墙的融合,使空间氛围更加柔和,也带了一丝乡村风的随意,舒展都市人疲惫的神经。
  • 采用未经打磨的木质餐桌和餐椅,符合人体工程学的特性,累了可以靠着歇一歇,给予脚部足够的支撑,不会因为悬空而发麻。
  • 为了营造开放宽敞的视野氛围,就必须要达到最大面积利用好自然光。窗户的选择不容小觑,COMMUNE采用的是德国进口的旭格门窗,抽拉式开启,让室内外融为一体。
  • 还有就是酒水自助选购区的商品陈列,长达13米的货架和冰柜相对,留出1米5的距离让客人自由走动选购啤酒。让人有种走进酒吧中便利店的感觉。




———————中英文说明分割(Chinese and English description segmentation)———————


  • COMMUNE, means to get very close to someone by talking and sharing. In the beginning of 2014, we had a thought about setting up a bar named COMMUNE, which relaxed urbanites themselves from work. So we hoped to break normal management model of original bars, aimed at providing our customers with quality, large-quantity, cost-effective food and drinks, less grand decorations and no stages. Moreover, staying in our bar, people would feel free and comfortable, get superb feeling of experience. Considering this, our design tended to be American industrial style, which would meet the demand of our customers. Finally, the first COMMUNE, was born in Wuhan, China.
  • In the very beginning of design, the first thing that come to our mind for COMMUNE is a space that is large enough. So we take a lot of time in searching wasted plants and warehouses, giving them new lives by redesign based on the original space and feature.
  • As for the main part of the construction, we distressed and reserved the roof and brick wall, to show the original face to people.
  • When came to the materials indoors, we used cement bedding the floor, black irons applicating on the structure of roof, wooden chairs, tables, bar counter and alcohol self-service area. With the contrast of black iron and wood, people would smell a hard American industrial style, seemed like returning back the bars in the 19th century.
  • On one hand, in order to strengthen industrial feeling, besides of hanging the iron fans and pendent, we adopted exposed assembly such as medals, bonding points and rivets.
  • On the other hand, by the way of softening the space atmosphere, we painted the brick wall into red. In that way, combined with light and antique brick wall, customers would ease themselves from stress in our environment.
  • Meanwhile, we insisted using unpolished wooden chairs and tables that were ergonomically correct. If our customers were tired, the legs of chair gave the enough brace to them and avoid getting numb.
  • For the sake of the macroscopic vision-scope, we tried our best to make good use of natural light. So we used German schueco windows, which could be pulled-out fully to the outside.
  • Also, the display of commodity on alcohol self-service area was important. Opposite the fridges are our shelves, they are 13 meters long and 1.5 meters wide, which provided a space for customers to walk and choose beer, seemed like walking into the store of bar.

In addition to the functional display mentioned above, considering young customers who keen on selfie, we added many non-function displays such as little blackboards, image wall, historical artistic illustrations and so on. More than this, at some stores, we even placed a large wine bucket  outdoors in order to strengthen the sense of life.

In general, the whole COMMUNE design was a project included reform and rebuilt. In the beginning, we respected the original construction, and then we added elements of American industrial style. At last, we improved the functional configuration, and created a kind of free, open, easy atmosphere.

This was an unadorned and textured design, which became a popular space for young people to kill time with their friends , get relax dinner and drinks.







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  • 珠海市唐企盛泰企业管理有限公司
  • 广东-珠海
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